Background intro: (the following is an excerpt taken from a Facebook event page that I created a few weeks ago)
So the story goes that I have seriously been contemplating learning how to program mobile applications. My main motivation was because you can create so many great things with very little resource (just a computer and some patience and time!). Of course there's the whole of idea of making money from selling Apps, but that's another story altogether...
Anyway, I thought to myself: "If I'm going to start learning this, why not learn it with some other people who might be interested?". The idea behind that thought is that if we learnt something together - keeping each other accountable, helping and encouraging one another - at the end of it all we'd come out a pretty strong team. And if 1 person who's learnt how to code can create wonderful programs, imagine what a TEAM of people can do!!!
The ultimate aim is to learn how to program mobile applications (first on the Android platform) to create some nifty Apps both for our own personal use (and possibly, when we get good enough, for commercial use too).
Of course the journey will be long and arduous. This event is really just made to pitch the idea out to people who are/may be interested - a place to indicate your expression of interest.
As of this moment, I'm still in the process of selecting which resources are the most appropriate for us to learn how to code. (So far Khan Academy is winning to teach us the Javascript side of things. The Javascript is presumed knowledge for a Coursera MOOC [Massive Open Online Course] on learning how to program Mobile Applications; see links below).
Anyway, making this event is just the start!
But expect the learning to begin sometime soon after the conclusion of exams!
...And we're at the conclusion of exams!
So, how will this work?
Well, I'm still set on my goal to eventually learn how to program mobile apps! And I still have my sights set on first mastering Javascript!
So anyway, as I intend it, I will be completing the lessons from Khan Academy ( I also propose (for myself) a timeline for what tutorial series/lessons I should achieve by a certain date, like so (for the rest of this month):
As I learn it myself, I will continue to post up (on this blog) updates on what particular lesson I'm up to + what lesson I intend to do for the following week/month. I hope to leave a trail of breadcrumbs (posts) so obvious that anyone can follow it with me and eventually catch up to where I'm up to! (Of course you can do this at your own pace - and that's really the point of it all).
Anyway, I don't know where this journey will take me. Frankly, I don't know how far I'll go with this. But what's the simplest way to find out? To just go with it, and see what happens right?
Hahahahaha! Let's do this!
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